About Us

Sundance prides itself on a safe, clean and orderly campus with a strong college-bound academic focus which supports a positive and caring learning environment. Strong networks of support services are provided to meet the needs of the students, while encouraging positive student behaviors. Friday Flag ceremonies and Principal's Coffees are great times for our families to connect. Our staff maintains a comprehensive discipline policy based upon Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.
Sundance has a wide range of programs to enhance student engagement. These include STEAM lab and class instruction, Choral Music Program for all all grade levels, Fifth Grade Band, Math Language support, English Language Learners (ELL) program, Speech and Language services, Special Education, Extended Student Services (ESS), .
Parents and students view Sundance Elementary as an important part of their community, and feel positive about the educational opportunities it provides. Sundance has a very active volunteer program, Foundation and PAC. We have over 150 parent and community volunteers providing support to our teachers students. We are proud that families remain our most important partners in the education of our children. Sundance's Twin Trails Education Foundation raises money to provide educational opportunities for our students. The Future Shines at Sundance!